Content Compliance

Ensuring the delivery of great content

Media regulation and compliance can seem like a minefield and you have choices on how to ‘navigate’ your way through. You can choose to close your eyes, cross your fingers and hope for the best. Or you can plan a route through the minefield to get safely to the other side. We’re here to help every step of the way – as a long term source of advice and guidance; to provide you with an initial route map; or to step in and offer assistance if and when issues arise.

We have all heard the horror stories – of the programme that has to be dramatically re-edited because some details may have been overlooked early on; of the observational documentary footage that becomes unusable when a participant pulls their consent; of the programme that can’t go out at a time its target audience will view it because of inappropriate content.

What we do

We work with programme makers, commissioners and schedulers to provide extensive and detailed content compliance across the life of a programme/series: from the initial treatment and pitch stage through to the final edited version of the programme and any associated scheduling issues.

  • Treatment and Pitch Stage – sanity checking ideas and providing guidance before approaching a broadcaster to help smooth the initial ideas process
  • Development Stage – establishing processes to ensure a programme stays compliant throughout the life of the project to build trust with the broadcaster
  • Production Stage – including briefing notes for filming and production team and crew; remote advice during production; attending recordings or live broadcasts to minimise potential risks
  • Editing Stage – viewing and checking offlines, including fact checking and verifying sources, etc. to ensure delivery of compliant content
  • Scheduling Stage – including advice on what time programmes should be scheduled and any associated labelling, warnings or announcements to protect the viewer experience and maintain brand integrity

Our work covers all genres including: studio recordings, live shows and events, observational documentaries, current affairs, entertainment and lifestyle formats, comedy, acquired programme compliance, sponsorship and product placement concepts.

What are you looking for?

We provide advice and guidance on the following:

  • Interactive elements – i.e. competitions and votes
  • Programme support material
  • Premium Rate Services
  • Viewer competitions – including commercial credits for the company providing the prize(s); how to devise the parameters of a competition in order to be fair and transparent; testing competition processes, protecting the integrity of the prize draw, appropriate communication of terms and conditions and reconciling the prize outcome.
  • Working with members of the public – including duty of care issues, securing “informed” consent and programme aftercare where appropriate. This will limit the risk of participants complaining and attempting to withdraw their consent.
  • On demand services – ratings, advertising break parts, guidance notes, etc.
  • Age verification and content guidance advice
  • Queries on on-demand content from the relevant regulatory authority e.g. OFCOM, ASA
  • How to build consumer confidence in the on-demand user interface and protect brand reputations via voluntary content standards

Please get in touch for further information or to find out how we can help, we’d love to hear from you.

Ensuring the delivery of great content
Media regulation and compliance can seem like a minefield and you have choices on how to ‘navigate’ your way through. You can choose to close your eyes, cross your fingers and hope for the best. Or you can plan a route through the minefield to get safely to the other side. We’re here to help every step of the way – as a long term source of advice and guidance; to provide you with an initial route map; or to step in and offer assistance if and when issues arise.We have all heard the horror stories – of the programme that has to be dramatically re-edited because some details may have been overlooked early on; of the observational documentary footage that becomes unusable when a participant pulls their consent; of the programme that can’t go out at a time its target audience will view it because of inappropriate content.What we do
We work with programme makers, commissioners and schedulers to provide extensive and detailed content compliance across the life of a programme/series: from the initial treatment and pitch stage through to the final edited version of the programme and any associated scheduling issues.•    Treatment and Pitch Stage – sanity checking ideas and providing guidance before approaching a broadcaster to help smooth the initial ideas process
•    Development Stage – establishing processes to ensure a programme stays compliant throughout the life of the project to build trust with the broadcaster
•    Production Stage – including briefing notes for filming and production team and crew; remote advice during production; attending recordings or live broadcasts to minimise potential risks
•    Editing Stage – viewing and checking offlines, including fact checking and verifying sources, etc. to ensure delivery of compliant content
•    Scheduling Stage – including advice on what time programmes should be scheduled and any associated labelling, warnings or announcements to protect the viewer experience and maintain brand integrity

Our work covers all genres including: studio recordings, live shows and events, observational documentaries, current affairs, entertainment and lifestyle formats, comedy, acquired programme compliance, sponsorship and product placement concepts.

What are you looking for?
We provide advice and guidance on the following:
•    Interactive elements – i.e. competitions and votes
•    Programme support material
•    Premium Rate Services – Phonepayplus and Ofcom compliance
•    Viewer competitions – including commercial credits for the company providing the prize(s); how to devise the parameters of a competition in order to be fair and transparent; testing competition processes, protecting the integrity of the prize draw, appropriate communication of terms and conditions and reconciling the prize outcome.
•    Working with members of the public – including duty of care issues, securing “informed” consent and programme aftercare where appropriate. This will limit the risk of participants complaining and attempting to withdraw their consent.
•    On demand services – ratings, advertising break parts, guidance notes, etc.
•    Age verification and content guidance advice
•    Queries on on-demand content from the relevant regulatory authority e.g. ATVOD, ASA
•    How to build consumer confidence in the on-demand user interface and protect brand reputations via voluntary content standards

Please get in touch for further information or to find out how we can help, we’d love to hear from you.