
Our Company

LJM Media Consulting Ltd was set up by Louise McMurchie in 2002 to provide specialist consultancy services in media policy and compliance to both linear and non-linear organisations.

We are here to help you and your company understand the regulations affecting advertising, programming and sponsorship. We provide advice and guidance on how to produce content that complies with all relevant industry codes.

About Louise

Prior to setting up her consultancy in 2002, Louise worked in content regulation and public affairs at the Independent Television Commission after an earlier career in advertising agencies in London and Paris.

She has also worked as Head of Compliance at UKTV for a number of years so has a wealth of experience in delivering compliance within a multi-channel broadcaster, operating within the BBC editorial guidelines, as well as, Ofcom Codes.

Louise is regarded as a pragmatic regulatory expert, skilled in distilling the complexities of Codes of Practice to enable programme makers and broadcasters to achieve their creative and commercial ambitions.

She is a designated expert to the Council of Europe on media policy; providing training on regulatory frameworks, editorial standards and compliance.

Our Viewing Team

We have a team of compliance viewers who assess material for compliance with broadcast and TV-on demand (VOD) codes.  The viewers rate the material for VOD labelling, recommend time codes for advertising breaks and provide content guidance for editorial teams.

For broadcast content, the team will advise on scheduling, edits where necessary for specific time slots and provide guidance on labelling and warnings. Much of this work is carried out remotely but on-site viewing can be provided.