Sharing our passion and expertise
We love sharing our knowledge through training and lecturing, and of talking passionately about how compliance can support creativity, freedom of expression and the delivery of great content. Obviously, we don’t give away the Crown Jewels but we can provide a clear spotlight on compliance and regulatory changes. And hopefully we help others to appreciate editorial standards and content compliance as much as we do.
We aim to
- teach people in the media – from programme makers, channel managers and schedulers, to promotion producers and marketers – the basic rules of compliance and how to best manage it
- spread the word to future programme makers and media stakeholders currently on media and journalism courses about the value and benefits of editorial standards
- help charities and NGOs navigate the diversity of compliance
What we do
We train both in the UK and internationally and have travelled all over the world to build internal capability within regulatory media bodies and broadcasters.
We lecture in the UK at academic organisations where we provide a broad introduction to regulatory frameworks and training on programme and advertising compliance to students on media studies courses.
We work with charities and NGOs to help them in their dealings with the media including providing advice and guidance on Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) regarding the right to freedom of opinion and expression. We provide information on the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. To us, this is the foundation stone of editorial standards and compliance.