Regulatory Advice

Championing creativity whilst managing risk

We are passionate about editorial standards and compliance, not as a sledgehammer to crack a nut or as a means of stifling creativity. For us, compliance is the framework that enables creativity to breathe and grow; to constantly change, break new ground and push boundaries whilst recognising and managing the risks.

We are not here to say ‘no’ and ‘you can’t do that’, instead we’re here to look for solutions and to provide help and guidance. Our aim is to work with programme makers, broadcasters and schedulers to ensure they deliver truly creative and dynamic content whilst avoiding the pitfalls and risks of regulatory Codes.

What we do

We offer advice and guidance on an ongoing basis or as a one-off to address a specific issue or event. We also help programme makers, broadcasters and Ofcom deal with any complaints about programmes and content.

What are you looking for?

  • Overview or update on what Ofcom, the communications regulator, is doing in general
  • Advice and analysis on a specific code, policy or rule change
  • How to interface with regulators and broadcasters regarding compliance or complaints
  • How to secure an Ofcom licence to broadcast in the UK, including ensuring the competence of the broadcaster in terms of complying with Ofcom Codes
  • Ensuring your service can legally broadcast in the European Union post Brexit
  • Evaluation of your existing compliance processes and review of procedures
  • Analysis and briefings to broadcasters and stakeholders on Ofcom rulings and EU and UK government policy
  • Advice on how to be compliant across all content platforms
  • Advice on investing, assessing digital business development and expansion
  • Dealing with complaints – including auditing of processes, containing any issues and limiting potential damage to brands and business

We have extensive experience in all of these. Please contact us, we’d be delighted to help.